Meet the Team

Chinari Seki (Broker, Relocation Specialist)

Welcome to the Seki Home Realty website! Thanks to much support, I have been continuously engaged in the purchase and sale and leasing of real estate in Houston, Texas and its surrounding suburbs for what will soon be over 23 years. When I first moved here from Japan in the late 1990s, I knew very few people and faced many difficulties due to language barriers and cultural differences. I realized that starting a new life in a foreign country was much more difficult than I had imagined!

Using my second child’s birth as a perfect opportunity, just when I was thinking of stepping away from this business, I received words of encouragement from many people and so decided to persevere. Without the encouragement at that time, I would not have met Kaori and Luis, the wonderful team with whom I have the privilege of working now, let alone all of our clients. We are honored that more than 90% of our current clients were introduced by former clients who used our services. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to everyone. For prospective clients, please feel free to consult with us about your real estate needs.

We would like to help make your life in Houston a comfortable and pleasant one. We would like to be a real estate agency which continuously offers such high-quality services that our clients will come back and choose us again when they consider changing their home next time.

Luis Villavicencio (Sales Associate, Relocation Director)

Bilingual in English and Spanish. In charge of making arrangements and reservations for apartments for short-term stays. Making use of his work experience in the neighboring city of San Antonio involving high-end furnishings, he offers accommodations with elegant furnishings and tasteful interior design. He makes arrangements for the utility services to be provided and meets with the technicians. He is known for a good reputation among many of our clients for his kindness and meticulous service.

A native of Yokohama, Kaori has made the USA her home since 2004. After graduating with a BA degree at Portland State University, Kaori worked for an accounting firm. In 2013, she moved with her family from Portland to Houston. Kaori has extensive experience in real estate purchases, sales, leasing, and investments in both Oregon and Texas.

Kaori Fujita (Sales Associate, Relocation Specialist)

With a keen focus on enhancing client relations, Jake is dedicated to improving the quality and smoothness of customer services.   

Jake Levy (Client Managing Director)